Wednesday, March 11, 2009

MOSS Search PDF 64-bit using IFilter 9

Install the PDF Ifilter 9 for 64-bit

  1. Download and extract the contents of "" to your local drive.
  2. Double click "PDFFilter64installer.msi" to launch the installer.
  3. Follow the instructions in the installer wizard to complete the installation.
  4. After installing the PDF iFilter, it is recommended that you set your system PATH environment variable to the "bin" folder of the "Ifilter" installation. For example, from the "Control Panel\System\Advanced\Environment Variables" tab, append to PATH "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe PDF iFilter 9 for 64-bit platforms\bin\" and then restart the computer.
  5. Follow the Sharepoint IFilter Configuration Guide

Add the PDF extension to Search File Types

  1. SharePoint Server Search Administration page by adding ‘pdf’ to list of File Types in Search Administration->File Types

Add the PDF File Icon to MOSS

  1. Download the icon for pdf file from , save it to \TEMPLATE\IMAGES directory and name it pdficon_small.gif.
  2. Open the docicon.xml file from .\template\xml .
  3. Add a new Mapping element to the ByExtension element.
  4. Save the docicon.xml file.
  5. Restart IIS using iisreset command line.

Restart all SharePoint services as well as IIS.

  1. Run these command-lines:
    “net stop osearch”. Wait for success message.
    “net start osearch”. Wait for success message.
  2. Restart IIS using iisreset command line and wait for success message.


Make sure that you Full Crawl !!!

*** Troubleshooting ***

Important step that will solve this error message "The filtering process could not process this item. This might be because you do not have the latest file filter for this type of item. Install the corresponding filter and retry your crawl."

Make sure to change the \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office Server\12.0\Search\Setup\ContentIndexCommon\Filters\Extension\.pdf to the GUID {E8978DA6-047F-4E3D-9C78-CDBE46041603}. The original value was {4C904448-74A9-11D0-AF6E-00C04FD8DC02}. (thanks to Russell Wright for that one)


How to easy add Dll to the gac


If you want to add dll to the gac with a simple right click, follow theses steps:

1. Foreach .NET version paste the apropriate script in a new file
2. Save it with ".reg" extension
3. Double click on each file to add the entry in the registery.

.Net 1.1

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\dllfile\shell\gacutil\command]@="c:\\windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v1.1.4322\\gacutil.exe /i \"%1\""

.Net 2.0

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\dllfile\shell\gacutil\command]@="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\\SDK\\V2.0\\Bin\\gacutil.exe /i \"%1\""

Thanks to Elad R...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Release Content Type List Binder

Hi all,

We have done it again... :)

Content Type List Binder is a new application that help us bind between lists and content types.

How to:

1. Enter the site collection url and press the load data button.
2. Select the lists you want (or need) and the relavent content type.
3. Press on bind (check the insert content type radio button to add and remove content type to remove).

You can Download Here (If you are like me and use Chrome it will save the file as .htm, so just change the suffix to .msi).

Saturday, March 7, 2009

SPQuery syntax

SPQuery is the best way to write queries on MOSS.
MOSS is using CAML to get data in the best and quickest way from sites,lists and folder. using SPQuery is in most cases the "best practice" way to find information in MOSS and also used in Sharepoint web services.
We have gather a few impotent information about SPQuery syntax,

  • SPQuery.Query:

  • SPQuery.RowLimit: An int that indicate the row limit.

  • SPQuery.Folder: Get a SPFolder object.  
    This is the best way to get items that are in folder.
  • SPQuery.ViewField: The same is a "SELECT" sentence.


Eq = equal to

Neq = not equal to

BeginsWith = begins with

Contains = contains

Lt = less than

Leq = less than or equal to

Gt = greater than

Geq = greater than or equal to

IsNull = is null

IsNotNull = is not null


Using and & or is very similar to using regular parentheses, between each to operation we need to add AND or OR for example:

  • AND:

We are using AND between 2 operators and add another tab when we add a new operator.

  • OR:

The same as AND.

  • AND & OR:

With AND & OR we are creating brackets, we create each one of the conditions and wrap them with AND/OR.

How to write CAML queries ?

A very useful tool allow you to build yours CAML queries: U2U Caml Query Builder.

Performance consideration:

If your farm is well indexed, retiewing datas using SPquey in the best method to improve performance. See also our post about working with large list in Sharepoint

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Template List ID

Administrator tasks list : 1200
Announcements list : 104
Blog Categories list : 303
Blog Comments list : 302
Blog Posts list : 301
Contacts list : 105
Custom grid for a list : 120
Custom Workflow Process : 118
Data Connection library : 130
Data sources : 110
Discussion board : 108
Document library : 101
Events list : 106
Gantt Tasks list : 150
Generic list : 100
Issue tracking : 1100
Links list : 103
List template gallery : 114
Master pages gallery : 116
Meeting Agenda list : 201
Meeting Attendees list : 202
Meeting Decisions list : 204
Meeting Objectives list : 207
Meeting Series list : 200
Meeting text box : 210
Meeting Things To Bring list : 211
Meeting Workspace Pages list : 212
No-Code Workflows : 117
Personal document library : 2002
Picture library : 109
Portal Sites list : 300
Private document library : 2003
Site template gallery : 111
Survey : 102
Tasks list : 107
User Information list : 112
Web Part gallery : 113
Wiki Page library : 119
Workflow History : 140
XML Form library : 115

Reference :

Content Type ID

Content Types ID

Create a new list item

Reusable HTML
Reusable HTML

Reusable Text

Page Output Cache
Page Output Cache is a system content type template created by the Publishing Resources feature to define cache profiles.

Create a new document.

System Page Layout
System Page Layout is a system content type template created by the Publishing Resources feature, and it cannot be modified. To add columns to page layouts in the page layouts gallery and master page gallery, update the Page Layout content type template.

Page Layout
Page Layout is a system content type template created by the Publishing Resources feature. All page layouts will have the column templates from Page Layout added.

System Master Page
System Master Page is a system content type template created by the Publishing Resources feature, and it cannot be modified. To add columns to master pages in the page layouts gallery and master page gallery, update the Master Page content type template.

Publishing Master Page
Master Page is a system content type template created by the Publishing Resources feature. All master pages will have the column templates from Master Page added.

Office Data Connection File

Universal Data Connection File
Provide a standard place for applications, such as Microsoft Office InfoPath, to store data connection information.

System Page
System Page is a system content type template created by the Publishing Resources feature, and it cannot be modified. To add columns to the Pages library, update the Page content type template.

Page is a system content type template created by the Publishing Resources feature. The column templates from Page will be added to all Pages libraries created by the Publishing feature.

Article Page
0×010100C568DB52D9D0A14D9B2FDCC96666E9F2007948130EC3DB064584E219954237AF3900242457EFB8B24247815D688C526CD44DArticle Page is a system content type template created by the Publishing Resources feature. It is the associated content type template for the default page layouts used to create article pages in sites that have the Publishing feature enabled.

Welcome Page
Welcome Page is a system content type template created by the Publishing Resources feature. It is the associated content type template for the default page layout used to create welcome pages in sites that have the Publishing feature enabled.

Redirect Page
0×010100C568DB52D9D0A14D9B2FDCC96666E9F2007948130EC3DB064584E219954237AF3900FD0E870BA06948879DBD5F9813CD8799Redirect Page is a system content type template created by the Publishing Resources feature. It is the associated content type template for the redirect page layout

Fill out this form.

Upload an image or a photograph.
Unknown Document Type0×010104Allows users to upload documents of any content type to a library. Unknown documents will be treated as their original content type in client applications.

Master Page
Create a new master page.

User Workflow Document
Items for use in user defined workflows.

Wiki Page
Create a new wiki page.

Basic Page
Create a new basic page.

Web Part Page
Create a new Web Part page.

Link to a Document
Create a link to a document in a different location.

Dublin Core Columns
The Dublin Core metadata element set.

Create a new meeting, deadline or other event.

Track an issue or problem.

Create a new news item, status or other short piece of information.

Create a new link to a Web page or other resource.

Store information about a business or personal contact.

Create a new message.

Track a work item that you or your team needs to complete.

Workflow Task
A work item created by a workflow that you or your team needs to complete.

Office SharePoint Server Workflow Task
A work item created by a workflow that you or your team needs to complete.

Administrative Task
An administrative work item that an administrator needs to complete.

Workflow History
The history of a workflow.




Create a new blog post.

Create a new blog comment.

Far East Contact
Store information about a business or personal contact.

Create a new folder.


Create a new discussion topic.


WebService "Service Unavailable" error message

When changing the application pool user it is important to add the user to the IIS_WPG group.

Yesterday, we so this error message and found the solution here which says that the reason for this kind of error message may be because one of the following occurs:
  1. The application pool is not running.
  2. The application pool account uses an incorrect password.
  3. The application pool account is not a member of both the IIS_WPG group and the STS_WPG group on the server.

In our case it was the third one, after adding the application pool user to the IIS_WPG group the WebService run like a magic.....


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Off Topic: MOSS S.W.A.T Merchandise :-)


We've just printed out few MOSS S.W.A.T T-Shirts for our team.....

If you are interested to be the owner of this T-Shirt please let us know


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Update Moss Web.Config V2

The last week we spoke about another way to update sharepoint web.config by using custom xml.
I readed an excellent post of Gaetan Bouveret that give interesting details:

Specifically, he explains that we can add an "id" attribut to each node to prevent adding sames nodes twice

Samples :

To add a node like add appsetting:

<add path="configuration" id="{72DB2C92-8BC1-4767-A12C-94B67D46D0CF}">

  <appSettings />


To update a node :

<update path="configuration/system.web">

    <siteMap defaultProvider="CurrentNavSiteMapProvider" enabled="true"/>


To delete node :

 <remove path="configuration/SharePoint/RuntimeFilter"
id="{0582988F-9C26-4990-8672-0099F4567B03}" />

Note: The "id" attribut is very important to prevent adding same nodes twice.